Two smart city national standards released, Xiong'an New District became a new smart city logo
The intuitive feeling of the smart city's advancement to the people may be the cashless era brought by mobile payment, perhaps the “most time to run” convenience government, perhaps the quick office of online tax payment, all of which are subverting existing ones. Office mode and lifestyle.
Standing at the threshold of 2019, in the aftertaste of 2018, under the spur of the 5G, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, edge computing, quantum computing and other technologies, people in daily life have been in the scenes of clothing, food, shelter and travel. Feel the power of black technology change.
The intuitive feeling of the smart city's advancement to the people may be the cashless era brought by mobile payment, perhaps the “most time to run” convenience government, perhaps the quick office of online tax payment, all of which are subverting existing ones. Office mode and lifestyle. On a more macro level, the massive data and data sharing in each scenario requires a coordination mechanism, and industry standards are urgently needed.
Therefore, in 2016, the first national standard for smart cities, GB/T33356-2016 New Smart City Evaluation Index, was released. In 2017, five smart city national standards were released. In 2018, the smart city standard was released as many as 11 items, covering the top design. , platform design, technology application and data fusion, data security, evaluation mode and other dimensions, for the construction of new smart cities, establish a normative system, establish a benign market cycle.
Just recently, two national standards involving the construction of smart cities were re-released, and the meticulous standardization of smart city platform construction and terminology use also marked the maturity stage of smart city construction into fine and local conditions. The two standards are GB/T36622.3-2018 "Smart City Public Information and Service Support Platform Part 3: Test Requirements" and GB/T37043-2018 "Smart City Terminology". It is understood that the "Smart City Terminology" (GB/T37043-2018) standard as a basic standard in the smart city standard system defines the terms and definitions commonly used in the field of smart cities.
The "Smart City Public Information and Service Support Platform Part 3: Test Requirements" (GB/T36622.3-2018) standard is a requirement for the functional and performance test points of the smart city public information and service support platform. For the construction of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Xiong'an New District, and urban agglomerations, it has been approved frequently in recent days. This is also a sign that the construction of new smart cities in key areas of China is becoming more and more mature.
In the week of the beginning of the new year, "Hebei Xiong'an New District Master Plan (2018-2035)" and "Baiyangdian Ecological Environment Governance and Protection Plan (2018-2035)", "Beijing City Sub-center Controlled Detailed Planning (Street District) Level (2016-2035) has been approved. It is believed that under the guidance of a number of smart city national standards, it will accelerate the promotion of high-level, world-class international new cities.
As of December 2018, 100% of the sub-provincial cities and 90% of the prefecture-level cities and above, more than 700 cities (including county-level cities) proposed or are building smart cities, and 290 national smart cities have been piloted. . In the 2018 storms, the problem of detached top-level design, unilateral sharing, neglect of cybersecurity, lack of risk assessment, closed information, and low participation of the public has also led to unsustainable unfinished projects in very few urban sectors. The fundamental reason is that due to the lack of scientific top-level design, the supporting platform and technical platform are difficult to match the actual information level of the city, and the technical specifications will be more unified under the guidance of the two standards implemented in the New Year.
It is worth mentioning that with the footsteps of 2018, the smart community and smart transportation will become the blue sea of the smart city in 2019.
In 2019, Internet companies, technology companies, and enterprises that are deeply cooperating with the government are still the main active forces in the New Year. The huge amount of funds, complex technologies, and long-term investments required for smart city construction require multi-faceted efforts to continue construction and upgrade. .
In 2019, 5G commercialization, network infrastructure capabilities within and between cities will be further enhanced, and cloud computing, big data, AI, and IoT technologies will be more mature, with various brain applications and urban computing on top of it. The platform will go through a slow curve and enter a rapid climb. In the industry standard and top-level design, the details of the relevant planning will be adjusted simultaneously with the actual construction experience and feedback. The industry standard has also entered the critical period of integration and closing.